West Central Baseball Association has been the overseer of baseball in our community since our inception in 2014 and provides opportunity for our youth to play baseball from three years old to nineteen years old. As an association we strive for continued growth numerically as well as improvements to facilities with hundreds of thousands spent including the most recent, installing field turf on the adult sized baseball field in Humboldt. Our goal is to grow baseball in the West Central community, which undeniably includes baseball being played in Humboldt and Hartford, however a separate baseball organization is not the solution and only creates division in our growing community. Collectively WCBA feels the only way to grow is to communicate and we have been transparent in our decisions at monthly board meetings where public input is strongly encouraged. Hartford Baseball Organization was formed to attempt at providing a solution to a problem that simply does not exist. Traveling to Humboldt for baseball has long been accepted because of the structure of both our communities; Humboldt hosting baseball and Hartford hosting softball. As our communities continue to grow and expand WCBA strongly encourages open lines of communication among all local groups and active involvement as we strive to provide the best opportunity for our children to play baseball locally.
Rob Lind
West Central Baseball Association President