The newly remodeled Dell Rapids Carnegie Library was dedicated on Saturday, May 2nd, on a picture perfect morning.
Tom Earley, president of the Board of Trustees, opened up the dedication ceremony with a few opening remarks. “Today we celebrate the completion of the renovation of the original Dell Rapids Carnegie Public library and the completion of the addition. You see before you a building renovated to the standards of today…updated infrastructure wired for technology. The additional space allows us to improve our service with new and exciting programs,” said Earley.
A new flag pole dedication followed an invocation by Pastor Melissa Fletcher. Eight members of the Dell Rapids High School choir sang the national anthem as the American flag was raised on the new flag pole for the first time. American Legion Post 65 presented the colors.
Mayor Scott Fiegen also spoke during the ceremony. “I’ve been involved in many projects over the years as mayor, but none that have taken this long.” Mayor Fiegen then asked those in attendance to raise their hands if they served as a library board member, served on the city council, or donated time or money to the project. “Just look around at the hands up, just look around. This is what a community project looks like. This is definitely a community project.” Mayor Fiegen also said, “I think this is a great addition to our community,” after thanking many for their work and dedication to the project.
Library Director Brittany Moeller said, “I just want to thank everybody for their continued support and dedication to this project. With this new library, my staff and I are eaglery anticpating the different opportunities and programs we will be able to offer the community of Dell Rapids.”
Mary Jones, Director of Siouxland Libraries was the guest speaker during the ceremony. She concluded with a challenge to the audience. “You all need to find and renew all the ways you can to encourage the use of this new facility and connect with the community after this celebration today.”
The 45-minute dedication ceremony ended with a ribbon cutting with the Dell Rapids Chamber of Commerce and refreshments served inside the library.