The Dell Rapids Elementary school had its share of surprise excitement on Monday, March 29th. Early in the school day, the Dell Rapids School District announced that there was a gas leak in the kitchen of the elementary building.
In a school-wide note that was emailed to parents, Dell Rapids Elementary Principal Julie Wynja stated that the entire school was evacuated in less than five minutes and all the students were boarded on buses within seventeen minutes of the initial announcement.
All of the students were moved to the high school building and were able to enjoy a movie in the gym while tests were done to the elementary building. By 10:45 in the morning, the tests and reports indicated a safe return to the elementary building, and the students were transported back to the elementary building to finish the normal schedule to the day.
In the email note, Wynja said, “I must say that all staff and students at the elementary handled it like champs.” She also said, “Please know that our number one priority was always making sure that your kids were safe!”