During the regular City Council meeting held on Monday, February 3rd, the committee in charge of monitoring the water situation on Northview Dr. gave a report on the findings from water sampling. Those tests found elevated levels of iron and manganese in the water. While the levels were elevated, they were determined to not be detrimental to health if the water was consumed. Residents of the area expressed their concerns and thoughts about the water issues, and after additional discussions, a motion was made by councilman Lee Burggraff to waive the water bill for those residents on Northview Dr. until a decision is made on how to fix the problem. Councilman David Sommerfeld abstained from the vote. The motion passed with nay votes being cast by councilmen Craig Lauritzen and Chad Andrews.
Also during the discussions, a decisions was made to continue to monitor the water situation. The committee learned that valves were turned off in the area just a week prior to the council meeting that seems to be helping a little. The plan is to let the water continue to settle through the month of February, and then see how the water quality is at the end of month, with the potential of more intense flushing occurring during the early spring time.
The full discussion can be viewed on the archived council meeting video (City Council Meeting 2-3-14) on https://bigsiouxmedia.com/webcasts page. The Northview Dr water issue discussion starts around the 15:50 mark of the video.