Lexi Snyder Receives a Gold Rating at National FCCLA Competition
Almost 7000 nationwide members, advisers, alumni, and guests of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), gathered in Orlando, Florida, July 8-12 for the 2012 National Leadership Conference. Lexi Snyder, a junior at Dell Rapids Public School and her advisor, Beverly Rieck, were among them.
Lexi who qualified at the state conference in the STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events competition, was among the members who represented South Dakota at this conference. They are competitive events that build proficiency and achievement in leadership and job-related skills. Lexi received a high Gold Rating in the Chapter Showcase Display Event. Her event included a display board and an oral presentation where she presented how the Dell Rapids FCCLA Chapter developed and implemented a well-balanced program of work and promoted FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences skills to the community. Over 3,600 students nationwide competed in various categories. Ms. Rieck served as a room consultant during the competitive events.
Lexi was quoted as saying, “I want to thank friends, family, DR Lions Club, DR Community Service Fund, DR FCCLA Chapter, and Ms. Rieck for their support and making it possible for me to go to FCCLA Nationals in Orlando, FL. I really appreciate all the time, effort, and money that everyone sacrificed for me. Thank you! Lastly, but not least, I really want to thank my advisor, Ms. Rieck, for encouraging me to do more and to keep going. She knew I had a lot of potential and pushed me to exceed my best. Also, I couldn’t have done it without her. She spent countless hours and days helping me to prepare, work, and perfect my Chapter Showcase Display. Thank you for everything, Ms. Rieck.”
This year’s student-originated theme for the annual national meeting was “#realitycheck.” Throughout the five-day convention, participants examined and discussed several critical issues, including family, school and community violence prevention, physical as well as financial fitness, future career exploration and countless community service projects. During the election of the ten national officers, Elliot Johnson, a senior from the Brookings High School, was named the national President of the organization for the coming year.
A number of relevant youth issues, such as the changing roles of men and women in the home and workplace, leadership, and obesity prevention were also explored at the meeting through presentations, workshops, and youth sessions.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has over 200,000 members and over 6,500 chapters from 50 state associations, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The organization has involved more than ten million youth since its founding in 1945.